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Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Riding a motorcycle can be especially risky during the wintertime. From ice to snow, there are many hazards that you have to watch out for. Some motorcyclists, however, still enjoy riding in the winter. If you take the proper precautions, you can reduce your chances of getting into a crash.

Here are some tips to avoid a motorcycle accident in the winter from a motorcycle accident lawyer.

Prepare Your Motorcycle

The winter season in Wyoming can be quite brutal. If you plan on riding your motorcycle this season, it’s wise to have it prepared for the elements. Besides wearing warm clothes, like a heated jacket, consider getting a bigger windshield to keep the wind and snow off you. Doing so may increase your visibility. It’s also important to check the tires before you ride. If the tire pressure is too low, you won’t have much traction and can get into an accident.

Practice Winter Riding

Riding a motorcycle in the winter is more difficult than riding it in the warmer months. If you’ve never ridden a motorcycle in the winter before, you may want to practice before getting on the busy roads. For instance, you may be able to take a course to learn winter riding skills. If that isn’t feasible, try riding your motorcycle in an empty parking lot or isolated road to improve your winter riding abilities.

Don’t Ride in Snow and Ice

Snow and ice can make conditions very dangerous for motorcyclists. Snow can decrease your visibility while ice can make the roads slippery. That’s why you should try to avoid riding in these conditions as much as possible.

Watch Your Speed

While you should always follow the speed limit, it’s especially important in the winter. If you go too fast, you are more likely to crash your motorcycle on snow and ice. If the weather conditions are particularly bad one day, try going a little slower than the posted speed limit.

Learn to Recognize Ice

Ice can be especially dangerous for motorcyclists. If you drive in ice, it can cause your motorcycle to slide all over the road. That’s why you should learn how to recognize ice on the road. Ice will typically have a sheen of light.

Get Rid of Distractions

It’s always wise to avoid distractions while you’re riding a motorcycle. However, this becomes crucial in the wintertime. When the roads are icy and snow is falling out of the sky, you need to pay extra careful attention to the road. If you’re texting on a smartphone or changing the radio station, you may be less likely to notice upcoming hazards.

Increase Your Distance from Other Vehicles

In wintery conditions, it becomes especially necessary to increase your distance between your motorcycle and the vehicle in front. If the front vehicle starts to slide or has to brake suddenly, you will have a lower risk of hitting the vehicle.

Schedule a consultation with a motorcycle accident lawyer from Davis & Johnson Law Office.