A Message Regarding COVID-19: We are available to consult with you during this difficult and extraordinary time. If you, a family member or friend have been injured in an accident, our first concern is that you focus in the near future on your health and well being as well as that of your family and friends. Please feel free to contact us by phone or email with legal questions you may have concerning your accident, or other areas of the law. We are here to help. Be safe. Thanks.

Personal Injury Lawyer

What Should You Expect When Your Spouse Has a Brain Injury?

Brain injuries can be catastrophic physically, financially and emotionally. Many spouses report significant personality changes in a partner who has suffered a traumatic brain injury. Your spouse or partner may behave differently, become withdrawn, or display a shorter temper and anger issues that weren’t there before the accident. Adjusting to life with someone so different is difficult, and you have the added stress of taking on a caregiver role.

However, don’t give up. Spouses can and do find a closer bond after a traumatic brain injury. With the right professional care, you can find a way to put your life and your relationship back together as your partner begins to regain abilities and adjust to new realities.

Why You Need a Lawyer When Your Spouse Has a Brain Injury?

Brain injuries are one of the most expensive conditions to deal with because they potentially require years of specialized care and therapies. If another party caused the damage, the victim and his or her family might be entitled to compensation for medical expenses and pain and suffering. To get the best results, you need an experienced personal injury attorney who has worked with brain injury cases in your jurisdiction. A lawyer who is not afraid to go to court can help you get the financial assistance you need. However, the legal process can be lengthy and complicated, so you should consult counsel as soon as possible after the injury occurs to see if a personal injury suit may be the right course of action.

Competent counsel can advocate for your spouse and your family to make sure you receive compensation for the pain and suffering as well as the financial losses. The relationship between the injured person and the attorney chosen must be one of trust, as the attorney will learn very personal information about the client through the preparation of the case. Here are some of the steps an attorney will take to assemble your case.

  • The lawyer reviews the client’s medical records and communicates with doctors and other medical professionals to learn about the case.
  • The attorney communicates with the insurance company or attorney representing the defendant in the case.
  • The lawyer meets with the client regularly to update the injured party and family on the status of the case and to discuss the possible courses of action.

What Is the First Step in Retaining a Lawyer for a Brain Injury Case?

As soon as possible after the injury, contact an experienced and knowledgeable attorney in your jurisdiction. The first consultation is usually free and should give you an idea of your options. Most firms take personal injury cases such as this on a contingency basis, so you don’t pay a fee unless you receive a settlement or jury award. If your spouse has been in an accident resulting in brain injury, don’t wait. Let competent brain injury attorneys help you in getting the assistance you need.